Steven Emerson
Steven Emerson
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Books by Steven Emerson

Cover of The American House of Saud

The American House of Saud
The Secret Petrodollar Connection

by Steven Emerson
Franklin Watts, New York, 1985. 448 pp. $18.95
January 1985

Reviews: Andrew Allentuck, The Financial Post  •  Robert Sherrill, The Washington Post  •  Daniel Pipes, The Wall Street Journal

"Steven Emerson was the first journalist to investigate the sordid connection between the backward but very rich Saudi Arabian monarchy and various pecuniary American interests who wanted their relationship obscured from public scrutiny. American democracy owes Emerson an enormous debt for his carefully researched and meticulously documented book which is vividly written. The whole sorry story can no longer be ignored."
- Martin Peretz, Editor in chief, The New Republic

"Arab petrodollars tied in with some of America's major corporations are affecting the daily lives of us all. Steven Emerson lays it out in a book that is must reading for every American."
- Senator Howard Metzenbaum

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